Family at Easter

Family at Easter
We hate to take pics!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Is Cleanliness next to Godliness?

I am my mother. Some 35 years ago when I went home to visit her, I found the house in less than "house beautiful" shape. I was appalled because my mom had always been an immaculate house keeper. When Iquestioned her, she said she just didn't feel like cleaning it. I remember thinking to myself, That will NEVER happen to me. I will ALWAYS keep my house clean and orderly.

That was then! Now, some 35 years later, I do not want to clean my house. It just doesn't look that dirty to me. I'm tired, and the thought of scrubbing floors and running the vacuum, along with dusting and all the other finer points of housekeeping just make me even more tired. Today, I have struggled and at last have straightened up the house, dusted, and put the roast on for Sunday dinner. The floors will just have to wait until tomorrow (or Monday...after all, Sunday is a day of rest). I did give Charlie a bath, and that just about did me in.

So, Mom, if you are looking down on me from Heaven, forgive me. I apologize for thinking less of you because you just didn't have the energy to clean. And, you know what, Mom? Now, that I think about it, your house was never really dirty at all. I love you and miss you a lot and I am glad that I am YOU.

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